
do you dream (2017)

installation/illustration. typewriter, pigment, paper


gallery installation view.


a very jokingly literal take on the name of the book do androids dream of electric sheep? by philip k. dick in the 1960s.
in the context of this project, the typewriter is no longer a letter-typing device. the routine of typing in perfectly formatted rows is interrupted, and the machine is given a new task – to draw from an artist’s perspective. we have encountered scenarios where glitched printers start printing unidentifiable overlaid characters, where the machine is taking control of its own fate. i would like to manually recreate this scenario on a typewriter, which is basically the analog version of a computing machine, an analog machine instead of an android.
when a typewriter does not write, is it still a typewriter? when it starts weaving patterns, could it start dreaming too?

sheep sheep